Chennai, Tamil Nadu, October 10, 2023 – Mastermind Foundation in partnership with the Mind Care celebrated World Mental Health Day 2023 as a part of the THINK TO DARE program at the Raj Bhawan with the Hon’ble Governor of Tamilnadu, Thiru R.N Ravi Avargal as the esteemed Chief Guest for the event. The event had Academicians, Students, Special Children, and their parents as the audience.
The students of Madras School of Social Work performed an exhilarating street play on the importance of mental health. The special students from DORAI Foundation came together to grace the event with their special performance of musical and fusion dance. The short film competition- Mind’s Eye’23 conducted by the Mastermind Foundation in Partnership with The Mind care, showcased their two winning short films that were taken on the theme of mental health as a universal human right. The students who won the short film competition also received a cash prize and certificate from the governor for their dedication and creativity.
Dr. Padmavati, Director SCARF gave an eye opening speech on the various mental health stigma that are present in today’s society and how to overcome them, the students of psychology from various universities found the speech eye-opening and gave the budding psychologist a new direction to work towards. Mr. Nandakumar IRS gave a special address on turning special needs into special skills and shared his personal insights on how he overcame the obstacles of his dyslexia. Madras High Court judge Justice Mr.Ramanatahn gave his insightful views on how mental health can be made a universal human right. Dr. Subhashini, Dean of Madras School of Social Work gave her penetrating view of the role of educational institutions in promoting mental health.
The Hon’ble Governor of Tamilnadu, Thiru R.N Ravi Avargal, felicitated 12 awardees who have done exceptional work in the field of promoting mental health at the grass root level. Appu Nanadan, an auto driver who is a parent of a special child himself has taken it as his responsibility to form a community and spread various awareness campaigns on mental health.

Two books written by Dr. Lakshmi TK, “Brhdhi Vidhya- The Indian Psychotherapy” and “Unveiling the secrets of Indian Psychology” were released by the Hon’ble Governor. The books discuss about the niche but imperative topic of Indian Psychology. The first copy of the book were recieved by Dr. Padmavati, Director SCARF and Dr. Subhashini, Dean, Madras School of Social Work.

The Hon’ble Governor of Tamilnadu, Thiru R.N Ravi Avargal, gave his thoughtful and sapient remarks on why it is imperative to have mental health as universal human right and shared his opinions on various ways professionals as well as common people can work towards achieving this shared goal. His wisdom on the Pracheen Bharatiya sahityas, and remarks on the various ways they contain necessary information for the development of the field and empowerment of the professionals. His deep knowldege has inspired the young generation sitting as audience this afternoon,
This event conducted by Mastermind Foundation was eye opening to the audience. The amount of knowledge and insights shared in the gathering would take a couple of days to assimilate, but less to say, the event was not only vital in the current state, but also inspired students to take up the topic of Indian Psychology as a study subject and explore deep into the facets of the subject.