Hamas : how it burst through the border and assaulted Israel. Complete story

A compilation of clips released by Hamas shows how the terror group invaded southern Israel yesterday and carried out its vast, murderous attack, killing some 500 civilians and soldiers, and kidnapping dozens more to the Gaza Strip.

First, Hamas bombed Israeli observation towers and weapons systems on the border using drones.

Footage shows drones dropping explosive devices onto Israeli sites on the Gaza border.

Next, the terror group fired hundreds of rockets at southern and central Israel, as terrorists on paragliders flew over the border.

Moments later, Hamas approached the border fence, blew up holes in it using large explosive devices, and allowed hundreds of terrorists to infiltrate into Israel, many of them in trucks and motorcycles.

The terrorists then attacked Israeli army posts along the border, and nearby communities.

Hamas also attempted to infiltrate via the sea, but Navy forces repelled the attack, killing dozens of terrorists.

Lt. Col N Thagarajan (Veteran)
Lt. Col N Thagarajan (Veteran)

Lieutenant Colonel N. Thiagarajan is a distinguished geopolitical and defence analyst and boasts over three decades of experience in the Indian Army. His expertise lies in strategic analysis, military affairs, interpreting complex international relations dynamics, and assessing their impact on global security.