Raja Pateria, a senior Madhya Pradesh Congress leader, allegedly said in a widely circulated video that the public should be ready for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s assassination in order to defend the constitution, sparking a huge uproar. When some BJP members called for his arrest.
In the reported video, Pateria is seen speaking to a small group of people in what looks to be a rural area. He informs the public, “Modi will use language, caste, and religion to separate people. Minorities and tribal peoples’ futures are in jeopardy. You must be prepared for Modi’s “hatya” if you want to safeguard the Constitution. In the sense of defeating him, Hatya “.
Later, the Congress leader defended his remark, saying that by “murder,” he meant “defeating him in an election.” He identified himself as a follower of Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent philosophy and said that minority protection demanded defeating Modi.
An FIR has reportedly been lodged at a police station in Panna by Narottam Mishra, a senior BJP politician and home minister.