In recent years, the Pakistan-administered region of Jammu and Kashmir, commonly known as Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (POJK), has witnessed a surge in dissent among its populace. This dissent, fueled by longstanding grievances of step-motherly treatment and biased policies by the Pakistan government, has now erupted into visible protests and unrest, notably seen in the streets of Muzaffarabad.

The Roots of Discontent

The discontent among the people of POJK has been simmering for decades, rooted in a sense of neglect and discrimination by the Pakistani authorities. Despite being an integral part of the larger Kashmir conflict, the region often finds itself sidelined in discussions and decision-making processes. Basic infrastructure development, healthcare, and education sectors have suffered from chronic underinvestment, exacerbating the socio-economic disparities within the region.

One of the primary grievances fueling the current unrest is the biased policies for tax collection imposed by the Pakistan government. The people of POJK allege that they are subjected to disproportionately high taxes compared to other regions of Pakistan, without commensurate benefits or services in return. This perception of exploitation and economic marginalization has deepened the rift between the local populace and the ruling authorities.

The Muzaffarabad Protests: A Turning Point

The culmination of years of discontent erupted into open protests and unrest in Muzaffarabad, the capital of POJK. The protests were sparked by a series of incidents highlighting the growing frustration among the population. Reports emerged of aggressive tax collection drives by Pakistani authorities, further straining the already tense relations between the government and the people.

In a dramatic turn of events, Pakistani police officials were reportedly attacked by enraged demonstrators during one of the protests in Muzaffarabad. This unprecedented act of violence underscores the depth of resentment and anger harbored by the local population towards the authorities. It serves as a stark warning sign of the deteriorating situation and the urgent need for constructive dialogue and resolution.

The Response and Challenges Ahead

The Pakistan government’s response to the unrest in Muzaffarabad has been met with mixed reactions. While some officials have acknowledged the grievances of the people and called for restraint, others have resorted to heavy-handed tactics to quell the protests. The imposition of security measures and arrests of protest leaders have further inflamed tensions, raising concerns about the potential escalation of violence.

Moving forward, addressing the root causes of dissent in POJK requires a comprehensive approach that prioritizes dialogue, inclusivity, and meaningful reforms. The Pakistan government must recognize the legitimate grievances of the people and take concrete steps to address them, including revisiting tax policies and ensuring equitable development across the region. Moreover, fostering an environment of trust and accountability is essential to rebuilding fractured relations and restoring stability in the region.


The growing dissent among the population of POJK, fueled by grievances of step-motherly treatment and biased policies, has manifested into visible protests and unrest in Muzaffarabad. The recent clashes between demonstrators and Pakistani police officials underscore the urgency of addressing the root causes of discontent and finding peaceful solutions to the ongoing crisis. It is imperative for the Pakistan government to listen to the voices of the people, engage in sincere dialogue, and work towards inclusive reforms that uphold the rights and dignity of all residents of POJK. Only through genuine efforts towards reconciliation and empowerment can lasting peace and stability be achieved in the region.