Terror cases dropped drastically in J-K after Art 370 abrogation, says Amit Shah

Karnal (Hr), Feb 14 (PTI) Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday said the number of terror incidents in Jammu and Kashmir has reduced drastically after the abrogation of Article 370 and a record number of tourists are visiting the Union Territory.

Presenting the President’s Colour to the Haryana Police in recognition of its exceptional service, Shah also said the BJP government at the Centre has successfully tackled internal security challenges — terror activities in Jammu and Kashmir, insurgency in the North East and Left Wing Extremism — in the last eight years.

“Today I can say with satisfaction that terror incidents in Jammu and Kashmir have reduced drastically after the abrogation of Article 370. And record number of tourists visit Jammu and Kashmir. It is a matter of satisfaction,” he said.