PM invites inputs for this year’s Pariksha Pe Charcha

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has invited everyone particularly the Exam Warriors, parents and teachers to share their inputs for this year’s Pariksha Pe Charcha interaction.
The Prime Minister tweeted
“Pariksha Pe Charcha is made even more memorable by the extensive inputs received from people across all walks of life. I invite you all, particularly the #ExamWarriors, parents and teachers to share their inputs for this year’s interaction. #PPC2023 “

Lt. Col N Thagarajan (Veteran)
Lt. Col N Thagarajan (Veteran)

Lieutenant Colonel N. Thiagarajan is a distinguished geopolitical and defence analyst and boasts over three decades of experience in the Indian Army. His expertise lies in strategic analysis, military affairs, interpreting complex international relations dynamics, and assessing their impact on global security.