Govt blocks access to BBC documentary on Modi, Gujarat riots

The Centre has issued directions for blocking multiple YouTube videos and Twitter posts sharing links to the controversial BBC documentary “India: The Modi Question”, according to sources.

The two-part BBC documentary, which claims it investigated certain aspects relating to the 2002 Gujarat riots when Prime Minister Narendra Modi was the chief minister of the state, has been trashed by the Ministry of External Affairs as a “propaganda piece” that lacked objectivity and reflected a “colonial mindset”.

The directions on blocking access were understood to have been issued by Apurva Chandra, Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on Friday using the emergency powers under the IT Rules, 2021.

Lt. Col N Thagarajan (Veteran)
Lt. Col N Thagarajan (Veteran)

Lieutenant Colonel N. Thiagarajan is a distinguished geopolitical and defence analyst and boasts over three decades of experience in the Indian Army. His expertise lies in strategic analysis, military affairs, interpreting complex international relations dynamics, and assessing their impact on global security.